A Lot Like Josh

A Lot Like Josh
Vicki Bishop

It was recently my privilege to become acquainted with Jenny Hawley.  One might ask; who is Jenny Hawley?  It would be my honor to tell you. 
September 21, 2018 began very early for me.  I rose at 4:30 am and made the 100 mile trip to Springfield, MO.  A trip I have made more than 100 times before, but this one was different.  Today, I was going to get to see the President of the United States of America speak!
                Now I have grown up on and around a military base in south central Missouri and have enjoyed my share of patriotism over the years.  None of that compared to what I would experience that last day of summer, 2018. 
                The political rally was to be held at JQH arena, also known as the “Q” locally and was expected to be filled to capacity.  We arrived early in the day, somewhere around 8:00 a.m. and managed to get a parking space near the venue and took our place in line. There were probably 75-100 people in front of us.   It never really seemed like we were in line.  It was more like a social event where everyone who came from everywhere happens to think similar to the way I think.  I met some of the most fantastic patriots on the planet that day. 
                One of the most common questions I have been asked is: Were there protesters there?  Yes, there were probably about 200 protesters—this number is based on local reporting.  Event organizers and law enforcement did a great job keeping such differences of opinion apart from each other.  As the line finally moved toward the arena, and the protesters came into view, I found myself marching with a patriot army of tens of thousands of people.   No one in line near me paid any attention to the protesters.
                Our spot, near the front of the line of what is reported to contain a total of 30,000 and 50,000 people.  Upon entering ‘the Q’, we could have easily secured a place on the floor right in front of the President.  It had been a long day, I was tired.  So I chose a seat on the first level of chairs above the floor, stage left of the podium.  I once attended a concert--years ago, and found out that such seats really could be considered the best in the house.  I would be about 30 feet from the President. 
                As the arena filled, the row of seats beside me started to fill.  A petite woman with a smile larger than her dress size sat down next to me and introduced herself as “Joshes mom”.  Mrs. Hawley has a contagious personality with an optimistic view of life, a love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and a sense of family rarely enjoyed in modern times.  Down to earth is a modest description of her and her family. 
                I have to admit that by this time of the evening, my social skills were almost non-existent after having little sleep, a lot of travel, a lot of waiting, the elements, and that breakfast that seemed to have been a year ago, rather than 12 hours.  I apologized for my somewhat ragged appearance and Mrs. Hawley quickly reinforced my self-confidence.  Then she allowed me to take a selfie with her and Joshes grandmother. 
                For some time I chatted with Jenny about all sorts of things, political and non-political.  I had the opportunity to thank Josh through Jenny for being such a brave person as to agree to run for senator.  He must understand that this election carries very high stakes, and there are a lot of persons out there who will not play fair, who do not care about lying, cheating, stealing or destroying others to get what they want—or what they think they want.   It takes guts to throw his hat into the ring—a ring filled with lions.
                Jenny talked with my husband and I about Joshes decision to run for the senate and how it did not come lightly.  Josh and his entire family spent time thinking about such a decision-- and praying about it.  Many deep and meaningful prayers went up from his family. His final decision to run for office was placed in his heart from above.
                It isn’t often that I venture into a large crowded place.  I have found the solitude of my living room is often a more enjoyable experience.  When I do, I am a ‘people watcher’.   Although my conversation with Jenny Hawley had been informative and interesting, I could not help but watch her as her son stepped on to a stage with no apparent reservations, next to the President of the United States, and delivered a flawless speech. 
Josh Hawley is on a path that will secure him a place in history. 
I am not sure why God chose me to set next to Jenny Hawley that day.  I do know that I have never seen so much love radiate from one person.  Not so much pride, although I am sure she is proud, but love.  The kind of love you feel when your baby is placed in your arms for the first time.  This was a moment in time, surrounded by her family, her son stood next to the President of the United States of America in Springfield, MO, the town that she has called home for many years.  Josh promised the world that he planned to make it a better place—and he meant it. I believe him. This country was built on raw courage, determination and prayer.  Those builders must have been a lot like Josh. 
They say that a great man comes from a great mother.  The Bible teaches us this when we look at the relationship that Jesus had with his mother, Mary.  It is very clear to me that Josh has an amazing mother.  Perhaps this isn’t something one might find on a resume, but it can be a very important attribute. 
I could spend hours writing about the line, or the arena, or the people or the President.  My favorite part of the day was a lady who introduces herself as “Joshes mom”.  In a day packed full of meeting some wonderful people, she was my favorite. 
Josh Hawley, I hope you do win the election.  I hope that you are able to make a difference in Washington and the world for that matter.  I hope that Missouri is a better place because of your efforts.  Josh Hawley, I hope you never forget to hug your mom.  She is priceless. 


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